28% of our snapshot survey sample came through the GMCVO+healthwatch route = “seldom heard”.
They are present in every typology at broadly similar levels in each, with slightly less younger people than the average but more people over 66 year olds.
12.6% of the online workshop contributions came from “seldom heard” people and when discussing what hinders or helps people to take charge of their health? Their conversation reveals two priorities:
- Personal resources – time and money
- Social norms
Despite this unique conversation profile, contributions were more aligned to their “typologies” than “seldom heard” as a distinct group that requires special consideration.
GMCVO and Healthwatch conclude we can create a “typical narrative” from their ideas and comments in the onlne and face to face engagements too. Much of this was focused upon exploring and investing into local assets and training. They say we must explore and invest in…
Individual and community empowerment – including the creation of personal and community connections, meaningful service user and resident involvement in the design and delivery of facilities, services and information.
Community-based facilities and activities – especially those run by VCSE groups and peer networks, using methods like small grants, social prescribing and personal budgets.
Neighbourhood and Greater Manchester level VCSE-led initiatives to reduce health inequalities – including targeting specific marginalised communities, making the most of existing relationships and the position of trust VCSE groups and organisations enjoy vis-à-vis those people and communities most affected.
Legislative powers of local government – including targeted capital and revenue spending by all public sector agencies to effect environmental changes that enable healthy lifestyles.
Making health and social care services are accessible and inclusive – especially mainstreaming accessibility and inclusion to the highest possible level and offering additional targeted solutions to meet the needs of specific groups.
The evidence base of Greater Manchester and the localities – including funding further research into identified gaps in knowledge and understanding and issues that appear to warrant deeper exploration.
Learn more about GMCVO+Healthwatch route download the GMVCO’s engagement report.