Taking charge of our activity levels

Active Family

Earlier this year, thousands of Greater Manchester’s people responded to the Taking Charge Together health snapshot survey and conversation.

55% of them said they wanted to be more physically active. Participants suggested what stops them from being active is lack of:
> confidence,
> time, and
> appropriate local facilities.

We wanted to dig deeper into what stops people being more active and what ideas people have to overcome this. So From Friday 17th June until 8th July we held a focused, on-line workshop as a follow-on conversation for residents of Greater Manchester, as well as experts and community leaders to share and discuss their views.

As of 08:30 AM on Friday 8th July 2016:
> 607 people had completed our gateway questionnaire.
> 587 people entered the online workshop (97% conversion rate, 3% dropout rate vs a typical dropout rate 50%)
> We defined 17% of the online workshop participants as the active contributors, having made most of the contributions.
> We had collated 1,326 ideas, comments and votes.

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